Loss and Remembrance

I have pondered writing this post for almost two months now.  It has been hard and finally I have come to the point that I can write about the untimely death of my friend Ed.  Ed’s death was unexpected and totally took me by surprise. You see, he was only approximately two weeks older than…

Recent Events

Most of the recent events on the news, both local, national, and worldwide sickens and saddens me these days.  There is too much violence, disrespect, and quite frankly, extremism abounding among too many people.  My thoughts and morals have been shaped by my background, values, logic and my spiritual beliefs. All of these things combined…

Back Again

Well, here is to a new year and a new start.  Haven’t written in this blog in a very long time.   In the future, I plan on having at least two blog posts per week on various topics.  Most likely on Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday.   I embarked on a new career in 2015.  Basically, a…

Adventures in Unemployment

My adventure, an unplanned one, began in July of this year.  Unfortunately, the position that I had held for the past four years came to an end.  I was laid off due to the contracts were coming to an end and the funding for my position was eliminated.  It was a bit sooner than I…

Wonderful Weekend

March 17th was a great day. I attended the Greek Festival that was held at a Nativity of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church near where we live. Everyone had a great time visiting the vendors and eating the delicious Greek food.  All the entrees looked fabulous.  My Greek Salad and Souvlaki was delicious.  For dessert…

Wonderful Tattoo Experience

The last week has went wonderfully for me. I am doing well, both professionally and personally. This post is mostly a review. I got a tattoo yesterday evening. I had decided to get a tattoo that I’ve been wanting to get for awhile. The staff at the shop that I visited on Friday evening impressed…

Another year has come and gone. And I’m pretty much in the same place. However. It is a new year. So here I go. I have taken a new initiative with my photography. As of April 1. I vowed that I will take at least one photo a day or take at least 7 photos…

Photo Contest

I am a photographer with my own photography business MeKamala Photography that I began in February of 2012.  I am a member of Fine Art America and they are having a contest for their members where they will select a winner or winners to showcase in a national TV Campaign.  I have entered one of…

Unitarian Universalism Part 1

I have been attending the Unitarian Universalist Church since 2011.    I had searched for a community where I could intertwine my personal beliefs and have my choice to be a Buddhist respected. Personally, I believe wholeheartedly in logic, reason, intellect, respect, personal growth, personal responsibility, and science.  I may not believe as someone else does,…

Sleep Apnea & Me

It’s been a few months since I last wrote anything on this blog.  Obviously, I’m not keeping up with my goal of posting at least twice a week.  I am going to try to be more proactive and reliable about posting in the future.  Today’s post is on my experiences with Sleep Apnea.  Sleep apnea…